MAG Orthotics Limited was established in 1990, offering high quality service of bespoke products, repairs and adaptions to the Orthotic, Podiatry and associated markets. Formerly known as MAG Shoe Services, we changed our name in 2017, in line with our growing product portfolio we now serve.
Included within our product range are footwear repairs & adaptions, bespoke & semi-bespoke insoles, simple insoles, AFO's, CROW walkers, conventional metal devices, etc. Our customers are from both national and local hospitals & Trusts, as well as private clinicians, including Orthotists and Podiatrists. We welcome manufacturing work from all customers regardless of stature and size.
A move to larger premises in early 2017, allowed increased manufacturing in more suitable surroundings, with purpose built areas for each department.
MAG have always kept their Quality Manuals and ISO Certification updated for many years, including ISO9001, ISO14001 & ISO45001, recently adding ISO27001 'Information Management Security System' & ISO13485 'Medical devices – Quality Management Systems'.
MAG are registered with the MHRA (Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency No. CA016686), BHTA (British Healthcare Trades Association), BAPO (British Association of Prosthetists & Orthotists), LSAS (Labour Standards Assurance System) and are included on National Framework Agreements and Tenders.
In 2012, MAG purchased Peak Performance Products based in Holmewood, Chesterfield. It gave us the opportunity to add to our current product range, which had been mainly bespoke, with the addition of supplying materials and stock products. Initially both companies traded as two separate businesses.
As from 1st May 2019, it was decided to merge Peak Performance Products (Chesterfield) Ltd and MAG Orthotics Limited together. This change of structure shall have no impact on the services and products which have historically been provided. This move was undertaken purely to increase efficiency.
We continue to operate from our site in Chesterfield, in addition to our Sheffield base at Jessops Riverside.
MAG's main aims, which are encompassed within MAG mission statement, are to provide excellence in the manufacture and provision of orthotic products, combined with the efficiency and reliability of delivery. MAG offer a conscientious service at competitive prices.
It is MAG's ideal to bring the next generation of technicians through apprenticeships in all aspects of the business. We have a partnership with local Colleges providing the education and certification upon completion, to our own handpicked trainees. MAG organise in-house lectures, relating to the business areas & activities we cover for all our staff; in particular, giving an insight to the lower limb area.